Despite the improvements in safety features for vehicles, accidents with pedestrians remain a serious problem. Many times the victims in these accidents are unaware of their rights under the applicable laws and regulations. To prevent such unfortunate events from occurring, it is important to understand who has the right of way. For instance, many people believe that when walking on a sidewalk, they have the legal right of way.
This is not always true; pedestrians must yield to oncoming traffic at intersections if no walk sign or light is present. It is also imperative to check both sides of a street before crossing and remain vigilant when walking around vehicles parked on a street. By understanding our rights and responsibilities as pedestrians we can help create a safer environment for ourselves and others.
Who Has the Right of Way at a Legal Crosswalk?
When a pedestrian is in a legal crosswalk, they have the right of way over all other vehicles regardless of the time of day and regardless of the traffic control signals. Drivers should always be aware of their surroundings when approaching a crosswalk. This means slowing down, being courteous and allowing pedestrians to pass safely through the crosswalk before proceeding.
In some cases, instead of stopping and waiting, drivers may be asked to yield and allow pedestrians to pass safely first before proceeding. The safety of pedestrians is paramount at all times and it is important for drivers to remember that these essential road users have the right of way at any legal crosswalk.
How Can Pedestrians Stay Safe at Crosswalks?
When driving or walking around a city, pedestrians can get overlooked in the hustle and bustle of traffic. To stay safe at crosswalks it is essential to always be aware of any vehicles around you. Firstly, remember to look both ways before stepping into the street, don’t assume cars will stop for you as they may not have seen you. In addition, it is important to be visible by wearing bright colors and using headlights or reflective accessories at night.
Furthermore, car drivers should also take extra safety precautions at crosswalks by reducing their speed and actively looking out for pedestrians entering the road. Following proper safety protocols can ensure that everyone stays safe when traveling around the city.
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