Metzger Wickersham’s Road to Safety Scholarship Contest Open for Submissions

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Highlighting the Dangers of Reckless Driving Practices

Reckless driving is a serious issue that can have devastating consequences. It is defined as the operation of a vehicle in a manner that shows disregard for safety and includes behaviors such as speeding, tailgating, racing, and failing to obey traffic laws. Reckless driving can lead to serious injury or even death.

Distracted driving is one of the most common forms of reckless driving. When drivers are distracted by their phones or other activities, they are not paying attention to the road, which can cause an accident. There are many types of distractions that can take a driver’s attention away from the road, including:

  • Texting or talking on the phone
  • Eating and drinking
  • Applying makeup
  • Adjusting the radio or GPS device
  • Interacting with passengers in the car
  • Checking emails or social media
  • Daydreaming
  • Being distracted by outside sights and sounds
  • Trying to multitask

Drunk driving is another form of reckless driving that can be particularly dangerous due to impaired judgment and slower reaction times. In addition to causing accidents, drunk drivers may face criminal charges if caught.

The consequences of reckless driving can be dire, ranging from tickets and fines to loss of license or even jail time. Drivers who are involved in accidents can also face civil consequences, and their insurance premiums may increase significantly after an incident involving reckless driving. It is important for all drivers to understand the dangers associated with this behavior and take steps to always ensure the safe operation of their vehicles.

At Metzger Wickersham, we understand that car crashes can have a devastating impact on victims’ families and the community. Unfortunately, many of these accidents are caused by irresponsible behaviors such as drunk or distracted driving – tragedies that could have been avoided with better decision-making.

We’re proud to fight for justice for auto accident victims through litigation and negotiations but also through our scholarship program which seeks to raise awareness about safe and responsible driving amongst students across the country. Our Road to Safety Scholarship Contest invites students to help encourage teens to drive safely by designing a poster, video, image, or another project that highlights the dangers of reckless dangers. The submission deadline for 2023 entrants is April 7th, 2023.

What Are the Contest Prizes?

The number of winners for each scholarship prize will be determined based on the total entries received – enabling more students to reap its rewards. Each awardee can look forward to receiving their check in a single installment, securely made out solely to them.

  • First prize winners receive a $1,000 scholarship.
  • Second place winners receive a $750 scholarship.
  • Third prize winners receive a $500 scholarship.

Winners are determined based on three primary criteria:

  • Whether the work conveys the theme of the contest
  • How creative the project is
  • Whether the project seemingly will motivate teens to be more conscious while driving

Eligibility for Entry

The Road to Safety Scholarship Contest is open to college-bound students who are graduating high school seniors in Pennsylvania. To enter, you can submit an impactful creative project addressing the dangers of driving under influence or while distracted.

Whether it be through a poster, billboard design, painting, drawing, digital design illustration, video, or audio PSA. All entries must include a completed Entry Form and abide within 2 minutes time range (if in video or audio format).

The more inspiring your message is, the greater your chances are of winning this rewarding contest, so let that creativity shine bright. Please be advised that we do not currently accept poems or essays as entries.

To learn more about the scholarship contest rules, you can review the entry requirements and regulations here.