How to Stay Safe on Halloween Night

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Are you going to be out and about on Halloween night? Whether you’ll be traveling to a Halloween party or taking your children trick-or-treating, you should know how to make sure the spookiest night of the year remains fun for everyone.

Unfortunately, Halloween is one of the most dangerous nights of the year for pedestrians. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reports that Halloween is one of three days out of the year with unusually high pedestrian injury and fatality rates. More frightening, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that motor vehicles strike children on Halloween night at a rate of four times greater than any other day of the year.

These statistics might sound alarming, but it’s very possible to have a completely fun and safe Halloween. Keep reading to learn more about how you can protect yourself and others as a driver and pedestrian.

Are You Driving on Halloween Night?

If you plan to drive on Halloween for any reason, you must plan on exercising a greater amount of caution than normal. There will be many more pedestrians in the road than you’re used to seeing, and many of them will be children. Trick-or-treaters might be especially difficult to see because of their short stature or difficult-to-see costumes.

If you’re a driver, here are some ways you can keep everyone safer:

  • Drive slowly in residential neighborhoods, perhaps at least 5 mph slower than normal. It might take you more time to get to where you’re going, but that time can save lives.
  • Be aware of the surroundings at all times. Keep your eyes on the road, but identify any pedestrians around or ahead of your vehicle as well. Trick-or-treaters can be anywhere, so be mindful of the road, sidewalks, medians, crosswalks, etc.
  • Be ready to stop at a moment’s notice. Excited children might dart into the street, unaware of the danger they’re in. It’s your responsibility to react quickly, even if a youngster isn’t paying attention.
  • Yield to pedestrians at all times.
  • Slow down when approaching blind curves and hills.
  • Use your high beams if you’re not confident that you can see far enough ahead of you – just be sure to dim them for passing motorists.
  • Avoid all distractions, including your phone, the radio, eating, or conversations with passengers. Even if your eyes are on the road, your mind could be elsewhere.
  • Don’t drive if you’ve consumed any alcohol.

Halloween Safety Tips for Pedestrians

If you’re a pedestrian on Halloween, chances are you’re a parent taking your kids trick-or-treating – or, you simply might be someone who loves to watch all of the fun on an evening walk. Whatever your reason for being a pedestrian on Halloween night is, it’s important to take some proactive measures to keep yourself and anyone else with you safe.

If you’re a pedestrian, here are some ways you can stay safe on Halloween:

  • Make sure your children know how to safely cross the street. This means looking both ways and only crossing at corners, crosswalks, and other areas designated for pedestrians.
  • Never cross the road where pedestrians aren’t meant to cross and never linger in the road.
  • Don’t run on the road – you or your child may trip and fall.
  • Brighten your kids’ costumes with glowsticks, glow-in-the-dark apparel, flashlights, and/or reflective materials.
  • Go trick-or-treating in a group.
  • Don’t wear a costume that makes it hard to see, especially when you’re crossing the road or navigating steps on someone else’s property.
  • Use sidewalks as much as possible and cross the street as little as possible.

Injured on Halloween? We Can Help.

If you or a loved one become injured as a result of a motorist’s negligence or recklessness on Halloween, our attorneys at Metzger Wickersham can help. We have assisted many previous clients who were injured as pedestrians by motorists. Rest assured that we have the experience and skill necessary to help you recover meaningful compensation for your injuries.

For more information about Metzger Wickersham or our legal services, call (888) 286-2850 now.