What Can I Do If My SSD Application Is Denied?

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Social Security Disability Insurance (SSD) is a type of coverage funded through payroll taxes. It pays monthly benefits to certain people who qualify if they became disabled before they reach retirement age and can no longer work. Typically, those who are eligible must have worked a certain number of years in a job where they paid Social Security (FICA) taxes. They also need to have earned a certain number of work credits; people can receive up to four a year.

If you applied for SSD having met the prerequisites, you could still be denied for any of the following reasons:

  • You earn too much income
  • Your disability won’t last long enough or isn’t severe enough
  • The Social Security Administration (SSA) can’t reach you
  • You did not submit sufficient medical evidence
  • You failed to follow prescribed therapy
  • Your disability is based on a type of addiction
  • You have been convicted of a crime
  • You committed fraud

The SSA will typically send a letter to you explaining their decision for why they have decided to deny your claim. If you don’t agree with the denial, you have the option to appeal their decision. Most cases make sense to appeal because you have a good chance of winning your appeal at the hearing stage, especially if you hire a lawyer to represent you. There is no cost to file an appeal with the SSA. However, if you end up having to file an appeal in federal court, there are court fees and other expenses involved.

If you’ve been denied SSD and you wish to appeal your decision, don’t hesitate to call us. Our experienced Harrisburg Social Security Disability lawyers can help you file the necessary appeal paperwork to request a hearing and gather evidence to support your claim.

Don’t give up if your initial application was denied. Get in touch with the attorneys at Metzger Wickersham today to schedule a free initial consultation. For the past 135 years, our firm has represented thousands of individuals in many legal matters. Today, we focus our efforts on helping people who have been injured or disabled in personal injury, workers’ compensation, and Social Security Disability claims. Let us see what we can do for you.

Contact us at (888) 286-2850 or fill out our online form today to schedule your free initial consultation.