4 Types of Burn Injuries and Your Legal Rights

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In 2016, people received a total of about 486,000 burn injuries, according to the National Burn Repository (NBR) of the American Burn Association (ABA). Burn injuries can be sustained in many different ways, from kitchen burns to injuries sustained on the job. Here is a list of the types of burns many people sustain and what to do if they happen to you.

Thermal Burns

Thermal burns come from making contact with heated objects, such as steam, fire, hot oil, and boiling water. Children most often sustain scalds, but for adults, burn injuries are typically caused by fire.

Chemical Burn

A chemical burn can happen when your skin comes into contact with a corrosive material, such as a strong acid or base. Products that can give you a chemical burn include the following:

  • Oxidizers
  • Solvents
  • Alkylants
  • Mustard gas
  • Urticants

Chemicals don’t need a source of heat to cause damage to you, and the injuries can happen immediately on contact. People can experience chemical burns by using corrosive cleaning products or working with or near them in various industries.

Electrical Burn

An electrical burn can happen when electricity runs through your body and causes rapid injury. Electrical burns can be particularly dangerous because they cause subdermal damage; you may not see much of a burn on your skin, but your internal organs could be damaged. These injuries can happen when a person touches or grasps electrically live objects, inserts a finger into an electrical socket, or falls into electrified water. Although rare, being struck by lightning can also cause electrical burns.

Radiological Burn

Radiological, or radiation, burns occur when you are exposed to radiation. Radiological burns can damage the skin or other biological tissue. The most common type of radiological burn is caused by UV radiation, which causes sunburn. However, they can also be caused by high-power radio transmitters, receiving radiation therapy, radioactive fallout, or nuclear accidents. Radiological burns are also often associated with radiation-induced cancer, which develops when ionizing radiation interacts with and damages DNA.

Your Rights

If you are injured by burns caused by someone else’s negligence, you may be able to seek compensation for your injuries. If you receive burns in a work setting, you can file a workers’ compensation claim for any medical bills, rehabilitation costs, and lost wages you might incur as a result of your injury.

The skilled Harrisburg personal injury attorneys at Metzger Wickersham believe in helping victims of injuries get compensation and justice for the harm done to them. We have helped thousands of clients achieve satisfactory case results and have earned a reputation for being one of the most trusted personal injury teams anywhere. Let us see what we can do for you.

Contact us at (888) 286-2850 or fill out our online form to schedule a free case consultation today.