Pennsylvania’s “Ride on Red” Law Goes Into Effect

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Sixty days after Governor Tom Wolf signed the “Ride on Red” legislation into law it officially went into effect on September 18, 2016. Introduced by Rep. Stephen Bloom, the legislation was geared initially towards motorcyclists who were having issues with vehicle detection systems at traffic signals failing to recognize the motorcyclist’s presence. The law now allows all motorists, including motorcyclists, to proceed with caution when a traffic signal is unresponsive.

The law says if a vehicle detection system fails to recognize the vehicle and the driver has come to a complete stop, the driver must then make sure it is safe to continue and only then may he or she proceed with caution through the intersection. The driver should treat the red light like a stop sign, where he or she stops, checks for oncoming traffic in all directions and then proceeds carefully. The law does not specify how long a driver must wait before he or she may proceed through the red light.

If you or someone you love has been injured in a motor vehicle accident due to the fault of someone else, speak to one of the knowledgeable and skilled personal injury attorneys at Metzger Wickersham. We’ll make sure you get the maximum compensation you deserve.