Preventing Lancaster Motorcycle Accidents Over the Summer Months

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WFMZ reported recently on a driver who will face charges for killing a motorcycle rider. The driver is a 22-year-old, and the victim was a 42-year-old Allentown man. The driver was traveling south along Route 222 and made a left turn to go into a gas station. She made the turn during a yellow light and her minivan struck the victim’s motorcycle.

Left turns are prohibited at the traffic light where the driver made the turn. The victim sustained serious injuries and was taken to Lehigh Valley Hospital – Cedar Crest for treatment, but he unfortunately passed away. The passenger who was aboard the motorcycle survived, but suffered critical injuries.

Tragically, this incident is likely one of many motorcycle accidents which will result in fatalities over the course of the year. Motorcycle riders face a more substantial risk of death than automobile drivers and passengers when an accident occurs. Motorcycle riders also experienced a 10 percent increase in fatalities from 2014 to 2015, according to Governors Highway Safety Association.

Drivers need to do their part to try to stop motorcyclists from being killed in accidents, and this will be especially important during the summer months when more motorcycle riders will hit the road to take advantage of the warm summer weather.

Tips for Lancaster Motorcycle Accident Prevention

Drivers should be aware that summer is an especially dangerous time for motorcycle riders. Here are some simple tips to preventing motorcycle accidents:

  • Look twice before turning or changing lanes. There is a Look Twice, Save a Life campaign precisely because so many motorcycle riders die when drivers either turn or change lanes. Drivers don’t see motorcyclists in their mirrors because motorcycles are smaller than cars, and so drivers end up hitting bikers. Looking twice before turning or changing lanes could reduce these types of accidents.
  • Drive the speed limit. Going too fast can make it harder for drivers to maintain control of the car and to stop before hitting a motorcyclist.
  • Respect the rights of motorcycle riders. Drivers should refrain from tailgating motorcyclists and should yield the right-of-way when the law says it is a motorcycle rider’s turn to go. Too many drivers cut off motorcycle riders because they cannot properly judge how fast the motorcycle is going.
  • Avoid distraction, drowsiness, and intoxication. Being sober and alert helps drivers to see motorcycle riders and avoid accidents.

If a driver doesn’t follow the road safety rules or is negligent in a way that results in a motorcyclist being killed, the victim’s family should consider pursuing a wrongful death claim. Motorcyclists who are hurt but who survive an accident may also pursue a civil personal injury lawsuit to recover damages.

Questions? Contact Metzger Wickersham today.