How You Can Help Stop Distracted Driving in Pennsylvania

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As you have been traveling Pennsylvania roadways and highways, how many times have you looked over to see the driver of the vehicle next to you looking at their cellphone? Or, eating or drinking? Or, putting on makeup or looking down at the center console? Basically, how many times have you seen them looking anywhere but at the roadway or traffic in front and around them?

According to PennDOT’s Pennsylvania Crash Facts and Statistics Report, in 2017, there were 15,614 crashes involving distracted drivers, 58 of which resulted in a fatality. Distracted driving has become such a national epidemic that April has been designated as Distracted Driver Awareness Month by the National Safety Council (NSC). Distracted Driver Awareness Month is a time where organizations, including PennDOT and local and state law enforcement agencies, can focus on reminding drivers to stop engaging in distracting behaviors and focus on the roadway and traffic around you.

Scholarship Contest for Responsible Young Drivers

At Metzger Wickersham, we want to do our part in making the community aware of this dangerous situation, especially the younger generation who are either just starting to drive or will soon have that freedom. That is why every year we hold a scholarship contest where students who will be graduating at the end of the school year can submit projects to help shine a light on the dangers of and ways to combat distracted driving.

Remember to do your part and lead by example:

  • Put the cell phone away.
  • Set the radio before taking the vehicle out of park.
  • Wait to eat when you get to your destination.
  • Never apply makeup while driving, even if you are stopped at a red light.

If you follow these quick hints, it will help lead to safer roadways and highways for all travelers. This is a goal we can all get behind!

To learn more about Distracted Driving Awareness Month, you can click here to visit the official NSC website. If you would like to learn more about our scholarship contest for young drivers, please feel free to call (888) 286-2850 to get into contact with a member of Metzger Wickersham.