Trucker Cited in Fatal PA Turnpike Crash

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A truck driver from New York was cited after a four-vehicle crash on September 27th left one woman dead.

Trucker Sarbjit Singh was traveling eastbound on the Pennsylvania Turnpike at a high rate of speed, when traffic slowed to about 10 mph for an upcoming work zone. He was unable to slow down in time and struck the back of a Ford Escape, causing a chain reaction crash.

The driver of the Ford, Sandra L. Wummer of Lancaster County, died at the scene. At least 2 others in another vehicle were injured, including 71-year-old Gloria Belair and her passenger.

The eastbound lanes of the turnpike between Reading and Morgantown were closed for several hours. Singh was cited for failing to drive at a safe speed.


Pennsylvania Truck Accident Attorneys

If you or a loved one has suffered injury or death as the result of a car or truck accident, your chances of securing a fair settlement for your losses are only as strong as the legal team you have by your side. Serious collisions call for serious legal representation. At Metzger Wickersham, our attorneys can review your case and recommend the best course of action. Contact us today for a free consult.